A Digital Safety Accounting

A Digital Safety Accounting

As the month of Elul draws to a close and Rosh Hashanah approaches, it’s the perfect time for some introspection, a time to reflect on our lives and actions over the past year. The impending judgment of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur and the opportunity for...
Nekadesh: Last Year This Time

Nekadesh: Last Year This Time

Last year, this time, we made history. It is now one year since Nekadesh – and it has been a year of greatness, one quiet story at a time. A year in which the women of Klal Yisrael have inspired themselves and each other with their commitments and transcendence,...
DID YOU KNOW? About Texting

DID YOU KNOW? About Texting

Did you know that using all caps when texting is considered screaming? Did you know that using a period at the end of a sentence when texting can infer coldness or can seem like a digital eye roll? Did you know that using only one exclamation point can seem like you...
Tech Triumphs: A Young Boy’s Chizuk

Tech Triumphs: A Young Boy’s Chizuk

As Told to Rebbetzin Sara Gross I am an Occupational Therapist and work primarily with children. Even though my smartphone helps me expedite my work and is highly convenient, I try to limit my use for myself and my family. Though I don’t feel a constant tug towards...